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Coldplay - Coloratura (Official Lyric Video) - YouTube



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Ingress動畫(on Netflix)中的一首插入曲,個人也相當喜愛的一首


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這首歌在遊戲(激戰2)內的由來是蒼白之樹(The Pale Tree)-作為英雄的精神指引般的存在所唱出的希望之歌。
Fear not this night 莫懼將臨之夜
You will not go astray 你終將獲其指引
Though shadows fall 儘管夜幕將至
Still the stars find their way 璨星亦得歸宿
Awaken from a quiet sleep 自安詳的沉眠中甦醒
Hear the whispering of the wind 聆聽風中耳語
Awaken as the silence grows 被不安的寂靜噘起
In a solitude of the night 在孤寂無依的夜裡
Darkness spreads throughout the land 暗影於大地流竄擴散
And your weary eyes open silently 你緩緩睜開疲倦的雙眼
Sunsets have forsaken all 日落早已摒棄一切
The most far off horizons 沉墜於遙遠的地平線
Nightmares come when shadows grow 夢靨順著陰影恣意萌芽
Eyes close and heartbeats slow 屏息以待 靜心冥思
Fear not this night 莫懼將至之夜
You will not go astray 你終將獲其指引
Though shadows fall 儘管夜幕降臨
Still the stars find their way 璨星亦得歸宿
And you can always be strong 你可以是這樣的堅毅強悍
Lift your voice with the first light of dawn! 並在第一道曙光落下時提聲高亢
Dawn's just a heartbeat away 拂曉僅隔胸口一次勇敢的悸動
Hope's just a sunrise away 希望僅隔著一綴耀眼的日出
Distant sounds of melodies 聆聽古老旋律
Calling through the night to your heart 在夜裡默默敲著你的心門
Auroras, mists, and echoes dance 極光與迷霧隨著回音
In the solitude of our life 在你靜寂無人的生命裡起舞
Pleadings heard in arias 詠嘆著求肯語句
Gently grieving in captive misery  和緩地哀歿囚徒悲劇
Darkness sings a forlorn song 黑暗捎來悽涼之曲
Yet our hope can still rise up 我們手裡依然緊握希望的旋律
Nightmares come when shadows grow 夢靨順著陰影恣意萌芽
Lift your voice, lift your hope 是該高聲吶喊並揭起希望之旗
Fear not this night 莫懼將至之夜
You will not go astray 你終將獲其指引
Though shadows fall 儘管夜幕降臨
Still the stars find their way 璨星亦得歸宿
And though the night sky's filled with blackness 雖夜空是布滿著絕望黝黑
Fear not, rise up, call out and take my hand! 無懼 奮起 團結並緊握我的手心
Fear not this night 莫懼將至之夜
You will not go astray 你終將獲其指引
Though shadows fall 儘管夜幕降臨
(Still the stars find their way) (璨星亦得歸宿)
Fear not this night 莫懼將至之夜
You will not go astray 你終將獲其指引
Though shadows fall 儘管夜幕降臨
(Still the stars find their way) (璨星終得歸宿)
And you can always be strong 你可以是如此的堅毅
Lift your voice with the first light of dawn 並在第一道曙光落下時提聲高亢
Dawn's just a heartbeat away 拂曉僅隔胸口一次勇敢的悸動
Hope's just a sunrise away 希望僅隔著一綴耀眼的日出
最後 個人也很喜歡這個版本
以上個人翻譯 我認為算貼近原意~但也難免會也會有些加油添醋(我覺得這次很少了)
謝謝您的收看,下次再見 有錯誤或是建議請留言下方~


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 Lana Del Rey-Young and Beautiful(大亨小傳主題曲)


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Of Monsters and Men - Little Talks

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這是第一次在新Blog上的作業 只是簡單的歌詞翻譯


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